Scout & Guide

Scout & Guide

Scout Movement is a movement that aims to support young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society, with a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills.

Guide and Bulbul for the Vijay Central Academy are one of the many windows opened to learn the ways and trade of a highly competitive world that might not be always compassionate. With erudite enlightenment and stringent discipline we have endeavored to tinge the wings of their imagination with hues, gild with gold, float in on the wanton wind and spread it in varied spells.

We have affiliation with – Bharat Scouts & Guides – two troop for scout  (each have 32 seats total 62 seats)

                                                                                           - one troop for guide (32 seats)

                                                                                           - one troop for Ranger (32 seats) in College

                                                                                           - one troop for Rover (32 seats) in College


Benefits of NCC, Scout & Guide, Rover & Ranger, NSS Certificates.

Scout – Rajyapal Certificate    - 3

          – Rastrapati Certificate  - 5

Also for every Army, Police, Railway job recruitment, there is a reservation under this.



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